Tuesday, September 30, 2008

happy tuesday for everyone

As Lyn-Dee is posting much of the same info as I, with only a few
minor differences, I will shorten my narrative and save the redundancy
Today is the final day of Ramadan, so while looking for a particular
children's library we saw thousands of people returning from services
at their mosques. Not quite awe inspiring, but still moving to see
that many people returning from that singular purpose of celebrating
their faith.
Upon a little break in the afternoon, we realized that it was raining
as we left the building. Hadn't expected that, but then again we're
not checking weather forecasts. We hopped in the cab, conducted a bit
more shopping, was tired of it after about six shops again, and went
to dinner high up on a hill that oversaw much of the city. This was a
higher class restaurant that seemed to cater to the foreigners as
everyone was dressed up and there were two BMW's parked outside:)
Cheeseburgers later, we stopped at the store for a some water and
Dan's requisite soda and called it a night. We'll do some
administrivia (something I picked up from Lyn-Dee) and turn in early
(hopefully) as we have an all day trip to the Blue Nile Gorge.

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